
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Let's Get Some Shit Done

Cross off everything that's on your to-do list this year!

Knowing how to mange your time, especially around the holidays, will ensure that you can get it all done.  Here are some tips to getting all your shit done:

1. Invest in a Planner - When you plan your time in advance you are more likely to be able to fit it all in.

2.  Know how to use your planner most effectively.  If you feel like a planner doesn't usually work for you then you should read some tutorials about using one most efficiently.

3. Use small amounts of time to complete small chores like dishes, laundry, sweeping the floor etc.  If I have an extra 10 minutes in the morning before leaving for work I will do a load of dishes or sweep the floors.

4.  Get those kiddos to help!  Have children that are perfectly capable of helping you out? Put them to work and explain to them it's their responsibility and decide on what the consequence will be if they don't follow through.  That way it won't be a battle every time its their turn. 

5.  Just do it!  When you get into a get stuff done mode, roll with it and get as much done as you can while you're in the mood.

6.  Keep your energy up so you have the ability to complete everything on your to do list.  Poor sleep and poor diet will drag you down and make it impossible to finish.

7.  Exercise!  A body in motion stays in motion and a body a rest stays at rest.  If you sit in a cubicle all day it is likely you come home and feel int he mood to sit some more.  Fight this feeling and go for a fast walk or a run to get your body moving so you can get your chores done.

8.  Fit in the fun stuff too!  Schedule fun activities too so you aren't always focused on the hard stuff.

9.  Make time for yourself.  You can't always go around doing things for everyone else without thinking about yourself.  Grab that latte, or those boots, give yourself a treat.

10.  Focus, focus, focus.  If you feel like you always have a million things on your mind and you can't get any of them done.  Write it all down and just focus on one task at a time.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Wedding Welcome Bag Essentials

Wedding Welcome bags are a great way to welcome guests and thank them for making the journey.  Here are some essentials to include in your bags:

1. Lip balm-everyone needs it whether it's hot or cold outside its an essential that many people forget when traveling 

2.Mini emergency kit - for the unexpected, include travel size asprin, Kleenex, and sunblock

3. Mini water bottle - so important to stay hydrated and feeling good through all the wedding festivities 

4. Mini liquor bottle - to get the party started!

5. Something Local - some treat for your guest to enjoy at your wedding location 

6. Small snack - include a cookie or Rice Krispie treat for your guests to snack on (you could also make this your local item :-))

7.  Itenerary of the weekend - let guests know what activities are scheduled and when (ie the rehearsal dinner time and location, picture time, set up, take down etc)

Post comments of your great wedding bag ideas!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tips for Planning a DIY Destination Wedding

Tips for Planning a DIY Destination Wedding

Destination weddings are such a fun way to spend an unforgettable weekend with family and friends! Many couples include activities during the wedding weekend such as river rafting, snorkeling, kayaking, wine tasting etc. It's a great way to celebrate and everyone ends up having a blast!

There can be a lot of challenges and expenses with a destination wedding, here are some tips to get through the planning from:

1. Only DIY the small things. Like reception chair signs, the cake topper, simple seating cards or guest book; making items that will be easy to travel with is very important

2. Make ‘welcome bags’ for your guests to receive in their hotel rooms when they check in. They have traveled a long way to be a part of your celebration so welcome them in style. These can be easily assembled when you arrive. If you are the hardcore type of DIY bride, make sure to arrive at your destination a few days early so you will have time to put together all your projects stress-free.

3. Incorporate a local favorite item as your wedding favor – pick them up a day or two before your wedding, add a pre-made tag (possibly even a seating card) and you’re good to go!

4. Check ahead with the airlines about carry-on rules. Most of the time it is cheaper to ship all your DIY wedding goodies to your wedding planner at your destination.

5. Make your own wedding website! Add the url on your wedding Save-the-Dates, Bridal Shower and Wedding invitations – that way your guests can easily keep up on all your celebratory plans. Having all that special information available online will make things easy on your guests.

6. Start the travel excitement early and embrace the destination wedding theme with all your invitations from engagement party to wedding. You could make faux airline tickets… possibly even have photos taken of you with suitcases, or maybe make cute cocktail picks with a flare from where you are traveling to. The options are almost endless.

7. DIY your beauty needs… do your own mani-pedi, and do your own hair and makeup! Why not? You know how you look the best…so who better to trust. Possibly even make your own jewelry and/or hair piece, making items for yourself and your groom is a terrific way to add the DIY element to your special day.

8. Make your destination location part of your wedding theme and embrace the local culture… use local items as your decor, serve local beverages, enjoy local music, etc. Your wedding planner at your destination should be able to work side by side with you on this.

9. Have your wedding photographer take a special picture of you while you are at your destination (wedding attire or not) that you can make into personalized “Thank You” cards after your wedding.

10. Bring back mementos from your special destination wedding to save in a memory box. Tickets stubs, receipts, sand, flower petals, champagne corks, all the goods and make yourself a cute little box or glass jar to display your romantic memories in when you get home.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Beat the Wedding Planning Beat Down

Planning a wedding on top of your already crazy busy life is exhausting.  The wedding planning stress can cause binge snack eating, quick grab and go dinners and late night sweet snacking.  

Stop the madness!  Eating this way may work in the short term but you will be feeling the negative effects soon after.  Keep your energy up all day with a high protein breakfast and protein centered snacks and meals all day.  Eggs and ham, cottage cheese and berries, Greek yogurt smoothie, tuna sandwich, no bun burger...these are all great choice to keep you looking great but more importantly feeling great.  The protein will also keep you full longer and fill you up faster. 

Don't forget to drink lots of water each day and start your morning off with a large glass of water.

Beat the wedding planning beat down!  

Check out our Etsy store here:

Friday, May 2, 2014

Wedding Day Hair

I have the most straightest straight hair that anyone has ever seen, you can hold a curling iron on it for a minute and within ten minutes the curl has gone back straight.  Unless I hairspray my hair to a crisp, my hair refuses to curl.  Since I don’t do much with my hair on a daily basis, I decided to go with something simple and natural on my wedding day.  I really wanted to stay true to who I was on that day and avoid falling into the “what’s in style” category.  I chose to wear my hair down with light curls (the hairdresser was able to get some curl with enough product, thankfully!)  And I pinned some hair off my face to one side with a simple white flower.  I didn’t want to go over the top and I didn’t want the focus of my ensemble to be the hair.  On the big day, I was comfortable and felt like myself on the inside and out.

And if you like homemade crafts, check out my etsy shop!  :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Snacking for Energy

I snack so much that my husband calls me the snacking queen.  I will literally go to the store and only come out with snack food.  I could sit on the couch all day and do nothing but eat.  (And some days this becomes a reality).  When I get those snack cravings, I allow myself to indulge but I choose carefully.  Some of my favorite snacks for on the go are dried apples, almonds, popcorn, hummus and celery, peanut butter and celery, sunflower seeds, sliced peppers, hard boiled eggs and cheese sticks.  Most days I have three to four snacks so the healthier I can make them the better!  Above all else, I work to avoid sugary snacks, they will leave you tired, grumpy and craving more sugar.  When you snack healthy you not only feel better about what you’re eating, you will also find that you have more energy and feel more positive throughout the day. 

If you like handmade crafts, check out my etsy shop:

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Calling All Yogi's

When I get super busy with work, friends, and family commitments I’m so rushed I don’t even have time to stop and take a breath.  I felt this way all the time when I was planning my wedding.  When we forget to think about our own bodily and mental well-being it can take quite a toll.  The longer we leave ourselves unrested and overworked, the longer it takes us to come back to center.  Yoga is something that I practice once or twice a week. Sometimes that means getting up at 5 am but it also means that I have more energy and start the day with a clear mind.  It also means that I am able to bring more love and happiness into my day.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Vintage Travel Wedding Card Package

Another awesome wedding package for anyone planning a vintage travel themed wedding.  Includes travel themed sign, favor tags, escort cards, and destination table numbers.  Check it out at my etsy shop:

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Be the Love.

Hiking the Yellow Aster Butte Trail Bellingham, Washington

Happiness and love are available to us all the time in every moment, but few of us take advantage of it.  We get so caught in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to stop and smell the roses.  When you’re driving and someone cuts you off, is your first reaction to get angry and honk?  Mine too!  It takes hard work and patience to grab happiness in that moment.  But the more times we can look past the anger and grab on to the love, the more that love will come our way.  You truly do reap what you sow and if you can give love to someone today, that love is sure to find its way back to you.

And if you like homemade crafts, check out my etsy shop!  :)