
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Snacking for Energy

I snack so much that my husband calls me the snacking queen.  I will literally go to the store and only come out with snack food.  I could sit on the couch all day and do nothing but eat.  (And some days this becomes a reality).  When I get those snack cravings, I allow myself to indulge but I choose carefully.  Some of my favorite snacks for on the go are dried apples, almonds, popcorn, hummus and celery, peanut butter and celery, sunflower seeds, sliced peppers, hard boiled eggs and cheese sticks.  Most days I have three to four snacks so the healthier I can make them the better!  Above all else, I work to avoid sugary snacks, they will leave you tired, grumpy and craving more sugar.  When you snack healthy you not only feel better about what you’re eating, you will also find that you have more energy and feel more positive throughout the day. 

If you like handmade crafts, check out my etsy shop:

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Calling All Yogi's

When I get super busy with work, friends, and family commitments I’m so rushed I don’t even have time to stop and take a breath.  I felt this way all the time when I was planning my wedding.  When we forget to think about our own bodily and mental well-being it can take quite a toll.  The longer we leave ourselves unrested and overworked, the longer it takes us to come back to center.  Yoga is something that I practice once or twice a week. Sometimes that means getting up at 5 am but it also means that I have more energy and start the day with a clear mind.  It also means that I am able to bring more love and happiness into my day.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Vintage Travel Wedding Card Package

Another awesome wedding package for anyone planning a vintage travel themed wedding.  Includes travel themed sign, favor tags, escort cards, and destination table numbers.  Check it out at my etsy shop:

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Be the Love.

Hiking the Yellow Aster Butte Trail Bellingham, Washington

Happiness and love are available to us all the time in every moment, but few of us take advantage of it.  We get so caught in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to stop and smell the roses.  When you’re driving and someone cuts you off, is your first reaction to get angry and honk?  Mine too!  It takes hard work and patience to grab happiness in that moment.  But the more times we can look past the anger and grab on to the love, the more that love will come our way.  You truly do reap what you sow and if you can give love to someone today, that love is sure to find its way back to you.

And if you like homemade crafts, check out my etsy shop!  :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Vintage Bicycle Wedding Package

I made this vintage bicycle set including sign, escort cards, favor tags and table numbers for a friends wedding.  Check out this and more designs at